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Hukum-Hukum dalam Stratigrafi dan Soal pembahasan Profil Geologi

Dalam mempelajari ilmu Stratigrafi diperluhkan pemahan Hukum-Hukum dalam Stratigrafi untuk memudahkan seorang Geologist dalam mempelajari suatu singkapan yang mereka hitung. Jika tidak mengetahui hukum-hukum dalam Stratigrafi, tentunya sangat lah sulit seorang geologi untuk mencari, lingkungan pengendapan, Umur lapisan, Lapisan tertua dalam singkapan dan masih banyak lagi, Hukum-hukum dalam ilmu Stratigrafi Sebagai berikut: 1.        Uniformitarianisme (James Hutto, 1785) 2.        Hukum Superposisi(Nicholas Steno, 1669) 3.        Hukum Keaslian Horisontalitas (Nicholas Steno, 1669) 4.        Hukum Penerobosan (A.W.R Potter & H. Robinsen) 5.        Hukum Faunal Succesion( Abbie Giraud-Soulavie, 1778) 6.        Hukum Inklusi 7.        Strata Identified by Fossils (Smith, 1816) 8.        Facies Sedimenter (Selly, 1978)                 Itulah hukum-hukum Stratigrafi yang wajib dipahami oleh seorang Geologi, namun dalam membahas sejarah Geologi  dalam Soal ini,

Halides Mineral

     Minerals composed of Halogen groups, or (F, Na, Cl, Br, I) all halogen elements are anions or negatively charged. In general mineral halides have soft physical characteristics, good hemispheres, often bright colors. The following periodic table describes the position of halogen ions. In the periodic table the halogen element is often called VIIA

Carbonates Mineral

             Carbonate or also often written in chemical composition  (CO­­ 3 ) 2- , is an anionic compound found in nature. Combined element C or carbon with Element O oxygen. Rock carbon is defined as rock with more than 50% carbonate material which is composed of cemented clastic carbonate particles or crystalline carbonate from direct precipitation (Reijers, 1987). Jackson defines carbonate rocks as rocks whose main component is carbonate minerals with an overall weight of more than 50%. The carbon content in continental plates is very little.                                         A special feature of carbonate minerals is that, if HCl is dropped, it releases CO2 so bubbles or foaming occur.       The process of formation is the most through the sedimentation process that occurs on the surface, and the metamof process. At a meeting in the laboratory yesterday, I explained the sedimentation process in carbonate rocks. Carbonate rocks have certain criteria or depth

Sulfates Mineral

       Minerals which have a composition of  SO 4 ­­ 2-   a mineral sulfate. Sulfate is included in 7 groups of minerals, because sulfate is anionic, or more than 1 element that joins and has a negative charge. The elements that make up the sulfate content are Sulfur and Oxygen when seen through the periodic table as follows.                                Sulfate and oxygen are anions, so there is no doubt that when they combine they will make anionic.              The earth's crust is certainly composed of rocks, but rocks are also composed of minerals, a term that is often heard is "Rock Forming Minerals". The rocks that make up the earth's crust contain very little sulfate compared to other minerals. Sulphate ranks 15th in terms of its spread on continental plates. The first sequence is dominated by oxygen. The percentage of sulfur in the continental plate is only 0.03%.                                                    Mineral sulfates are al

Oxide Mineral

         Oxide and hydroxide Minerals are a mineral formed from a combination of certain elements with anionic oxide (O2-) and hydroxyl hydroxide (OH-) groups. The reason I wrote Oxides and hydroxides in the Guide to Rock and Minerals book written by Simon, in the book said Okside is always accompanied by Hydroxides for example as shown below. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the earth's crust. Next illustrated oxygen is the most element in the earth's crust.                                                n the chemical elements the oxidant and hydroxide minerals have differences, although not significant. Hydroxide consists of H 2 O , because it still contains oxygen, many authors combine the types of hydroxide minerals with oxide minerals. Mineral Oxides only consist of O. For more details, please see below:                                                Genes of mineral Oxides can be due to Placer and Metarmorf (Hematite), or also because of Hydr

Sulfide Mineral

          Sulfide minerals are direct suppression of elements of sulfur with certain elements, most of which bind to elements of sulfur are iron elements such as iron, silver, copper, lead and mercury, and are valuable ore for iron. Sulfide minerals in the form of sulfur bonds with metals, because containing sulfide mineral sulfur is found in the area of volcanoes which have high sulfur content. The main element of the metal will be contaminated with sulfur. The chemical formula of Sulfur is S.       Actually there are 3 formation of sulfide minerals, namely Sediment, Malihan, and Hydrothermal. The formation of Sulfide minerals with Hydrothermal characteristics is influenced by water. Crystallizing the mineral is a little fast because the cooling is aided by water. The hydrothermal process has great potential containing large metal elements. Hydrothermal activities produce mineralized and mineralized rocks containing sulfide minerals in several species with certain associations,

Silicate Mineral

                 Silica is an anionic or 2 elements which combine into one and form a negatively charged compound. Silica compounds have the chemical formula SiO, which consists of Silicon and Oxygen. Silica is the main constituent of the Earth's crust (Holmes, 1964). Almost 100% can be ascertained that the earth's crust is composed of silica minerals (up to a depth of 2900 Km from the earth's crust). Silicon is also number 2 abundant element on earth, here I give a picture of the most elemental sequence on earth. From that graph it is very clear that the 2nd most silica on this earth. Magma took the most important part in silica minerals, why? Almost all silica rocks are formed by magma or magmatism in general Continent plates and oceanic plates all contain magma, but continental plates give more contribution to the formation of silica, because oceanic plates turn into magma and then the magma comes out to the surface of the earth.                          

Buka Rekening Saham di BNI Sekuritas

Bagaiman cara berinvestasi di Pasar Modal ? Bagaiman membuka rekening saham ? Mahasiswa nabung Saham ? Cara pertama beli saham?             Sebelum membeli saham di pasar modal yang harus petama dilakukan yaitu memiliki rekening yang menampung uang kita untuk membeli saham. Pengalaman yang akan saya bagikan disini adalah pengalaman saya membuka Rekening di BNI Sekuritas sebagai mahasiswa. Hari Rabu, 7 Februari 2018, saya menuju ke salah satu cabang BNI Sekuritas yang berada di Jalan Kaliurang. Saya tidak mau promosi disini, saat di BNI Sekuritas saya mendapat sambutan hangat, hal yang perlu dibawah untuk membuka rekening saham adalah : KTP Kartu Tanda Mahasiswa Buku Tabungan (tidak harus Bank BNI) Materai 6000 @ 2 Lembar Alamat E-Mail Tidak Pelu bawah uang tunai              Setalah menyerahkan ke pada Pak Joko BNI Sekuritas saya diarahkan untuk menandatangai dokumen persayaratan yang berlembar-lembar namun tidak saya baca, sudah percaya dan langsung menandatangani

Dulu, Teman Sejati

Teman sejati Mereka menyebutnya bagitu Bercanda yang tidak ada habis Menemani satu sama lain Teman terbaik saat kau sebut diriku semua hinaan ku balas candaan setiap candaan ku balas hinaan teman sejati ruang dan waktu bukanlah hal yang mengerikan namun, suatu hal pasti kita bertemu lagi mata ku dan matamu tidak bertemu suaraku tidak keluar menuju telingamu suaramu tidak keluar dari mulutmmu saat ku menahan rasa ku bertanya kenapa di telah lupa atau aku sendiri yang salah mengharap teman sejati ku, dulu