Oxide Mineral
Oxide and hydroxide Minerals are a mineral formed from a combination of certain elements with anionic oxide (O2-) and hydroxyl hydroxide (OH-) groups. The reason I wrote Oxides and hydroxides in the Guide to Rock and Minerals book written by Simon, in the book said Okside is always accompanied by Hydroxides for example as shown below.

Oxygen is the most abundant element in the earth's crust. Next illustrated oxygen is the most element in the earth's crust.
n the chemical elements the oxidant and hydroxide minerals have differences, although not significant. Hydroxide consists of H2O, because it still contains oxygen, many authors combine the types of hydroxide minerals with oxide minerals. Mineral Oxides only consist of O. For more details, please see below:
Genes of mineral Oxides can be due to Placer and Metarmorf (Hematite), or also because of Hydrothermal (Magnetite) Some of the most common oxide minerals are, corondum (Al2O3), hematite (Fe2O3) and hausmannit (Mn2O4).
1. Hematite
It is a mineral that contains elements of iron or Fe, because photos of hematite minerals do not form like perfect crystals, it can be predicted that minerals are formed due to the process of sdimentas. The use of hematite minerals is a red pigment and polishing powder
Formed due to the metamofrt process that has an environment with a large aluminum content. The use of corondum is an important instrument in mechanical equipment
3. Hausmannit
The main ore for mangnesium but the content in nature is very little or rare. Formed due to the process of metamorft.
B. Hydroxide Minerals
Like oxide minerals, hydroxide minerals are formed by mixing or compounding certain elements with hydroxide (OH-). The formation reaction can also be related to binding with water. Just like oxide, in hydroxide minerals, the main elements in general are metal elements. Some examples of hydroxide minerals are Manganite MnO (OH), Bauxite [FeO (OH)] and limonite (Fe2O3.H2O).
Formed in a hydrothermal manner with a low maturity, it is used as manganese ore
Having iron or Fe content so that the metal content is very useful, this mineral can be used as a logan ore. Formed because of the sedimentation process
Formed magmatically, having metal sheets, it is useful to extract the metal content.
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