Sulfide Mineral

          Sulfide minerals are direct suppression of elements of sulfur with certain elements, most of which bind to elements of sulfur are iron elements such as iron, silver, copper, lead and mercury, and are valuable ore for iron. Sulfide minerals in the form of sulfur bonds with metals, because containing sulfide mineral sulfur is found in the area of volcanoes which have high sulfur content. The main element of the metal will be contaminated with sulfur. The chemical formula of Sulfur is S.

      Actually there are 3 formation of sulfide minerals, namely Sediment, Malihan, and Hydrothermal. The formation of Sulfide minerals with Hydrothermal characteristics is influenced by water. Crystallizing the mineral is a little fast because the cooling is aided by water. The hydrothermal process has great potential containing large metal elements. Hydrothermal activities produce mineralized and mineralized rocks containing sulfide minerals in several species with certain associations, depending on the type of mineralization and their alterations. The following are the uses of sulfide minerals and their use.

The Periodic Table, describes the elements that bind to Sulfide.

             Once we know what elements can attach to my eating suffix, it will give some minerals in nature that have been formed with sufida, I provide minerals that have an economic value.

 1. Galena

Having the chemical formula PbS, useful for getting lead,
Often associated with Au (Gold)

 2. Pyyrothotite
Has FeS Element. It is useful as an ore because it contains Fe
       3. Cinnabar
     Having the HgS chemical formula, Hg will be taken as mercury

 4. Polybasite

Having a chemical formula (Ag,Cu)16­Sb­­­211, Polybasite minerals are useful as silver ore

Galena from Gold mine, Pongkor, Kulon Progo, DIY


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